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Es werden Posts vom 2011 angezeigt.

About Cultural Flagships

Nordic embassies in Berlin held recently a seminar about the rôle of the cultural buildings that are being built in all the Nordic countries these days. Keynote speakers were the heads of those houses and all of them made a good job in conjuring up enthusiasm about their venues and their impact on the society around. Only in the course of the discussion one could hear details that didn't fit in the picture: in one country, as the elections approached, virtually all the parties had made a point that as nice as the new theatre house was, they'd rather give it back to its generous donor, thank him for the past two years and close the whole thing down in order to save the money that its operating takes every year. How should we read this? Should we conclude that classical arts are and will remain an elitist phenomenon that only a small group of people enjoy, while it takes everybody's tax money to maintain? Or should we consider them as part of nation building, as we regard sc...


Pfingstsonntag. Gleich morgens paar Stunden im schöstem Wetter gelaufen, richtig genossen, dann noch eine Stunde vor der Mittagspause geübt. Zur Pause fahre ich dann in den Park, überlege paar Ideen fertig und schreibe einen Blogbeitrag, so der Plan. Ja, der Plan. Wie sagte noch mal der alte Brecht: "Ja, mach nur einen Plan, sei ein großes Licht. Und mach' dann noch 'nen zweiten Plan, gehen tun sie beide nicht." Der Geist will nicht in die Ruhe kommen. Die Ruhe, sie bedeutet Freiheit von allerlei Impulsen die unseren Geist heimsuchen. So können sie Ereignisse von außen sein (wie Menschen), genauso gut aber Gedanken, ja sogar Inspirationen die in unserem Bewusstsein kursieren. Hier sind sie aber fehl am Platze. Jedes Schaffen und jede Konzentration braucht ihren eigenen Platz, frei von anderen Sachen - genauso wie eine Pflanze ihren Platz im Licht braucht um in Ruhe wachsen zu können. Mir scheint, ich muss die Versuchung widerstehen, mich in den Sog der abschweifende...

April in Brazil

It has been a busy month this April. Ten days in Brazil, Recife, where we gave the premiere of Tomi Räisänen's new piano concerto "Sublunar Mechanics" with the city orchestra and Osman Giuseppe Gioia. Osman had taken enough time to rehearse with the orchestra, which is generous and seldom the case in these days. Thank that and his engagement, the complex work got a premiere of its worth. What struck me right at the outset is the hard working conditions people have there. We often think of the coldness and hard winters that Nordic countries are subjected to. Not so often regard we how hard life can be when temperatures are over 30°C all the time, the humidity reaches 90% mark daily and the conditions remain so day and night. The more pleasant was swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, which was first time for me. Porto de Galinhas is one of the most beautiful beaches Brazil has, and Osman took me and my girlfriend as well as Tomi, the composer, with him as he and his lovely wife...